Thursday, July 23, 2020

What Is a Cool Roof Coating and Is it Right for Your Home?

Cool roof coatings are a new product on market today designed to reduce the surface temperatures on the roof thereby providing a better temperature balance on the inside. Cool roof coatings perform by reflecting the sun rays off of a highly reflective surface that is available in liquid paint form, sheeting, tiles, and even standard shingles. In summers as temperature can go up to 150 degrees, a cool roof coating can reduce surface temperature up to 50 degrees, thereby reducing the air-conditioning needs and energy bills.

“The Future is Hot for Cool Roof Coatings”

“Like every other aspect of travelling, the RV sector has been badly affected by cancellations due to Covid-19 outbreak. However the post covid-19 world will see a new RV vacation on the forefront and that’s the positive as RV sales shows an uptick in activity.” 

The Benefits of Cool Roof Coatings:

· Reduced energy bills and eco-friendly.

· Reduce the risk of outages from over-consumption.

· Fewer emissions are being generated.

· Easy to apply and can be a weekend project.

· Can be applied directly to the existing roofing materials.

Are There Drawbacks?

Cool roof coatings might not give you much of the benefits if you live in cooler climates or areas where temperature is moderate. Also if you live in a humid environment, cool roof coating can be susceptible to the growth of mold or algae buildup. Sometimes cool roof coatings create an unwanted glare can be a nuisance to neighbors or other RVers that are close by. Other than these there aren’t much disadvantages of cool roof coatings.

How to Decide

Whether or not you choose a cool roof coating is a matter entirely up to you. You have to make rational calculations whether it’s worth the investment and what type of materials will be used depending upon the type of RV roof you have. Think about the positive environmental impact and how much money you can save in the long run. There are plenty of reasons to upgrade to a cool roof than just a standard RV roof coating.

To shop for best RV roof coating available on the market visits or visit to upgrade to a cool roof coating.

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